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What is Ayurveda in simple words ?

Ayurveda Meaning-

In simple words we can say that, Ayurveda is science of life. And the word Ayurveda is itself having whole Universe inside it. It is originated in India more than 5,000 years ago. It is made-up by combining two Sanskrit words i.e. – 


  “AYUR”= ‘LIFE’

  “VEDA”= ‘it is a Collection of scriptures which are the oldest sacred texts in Hinduism.’

Ayurveda is Superior over other Vedas. Vedic scholars regard Ayurveda as the most superior of vedas, and that which is said to be good for the livings and after-life.There are four main Vedas- The Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and Atharvaveda. With these four there are four more Upvedas- The  Dhanurveda, Sthapatyaveda, Gandharvaveda and Ayurveda and this  Upavedas are internally related to main Vedas. 


History of Ayurveda

 According to archaeologists, Rigveda is the oldest book in the world. Various scholars have considered its construction period from 3000 to 50000 years before Christ. In this Samhita also the principles of Ayurveda of great importance are scattered here and there. Many such subjects are mentioned in relation to which even today’s scientists have not been successful. Like joining the severed head of Yagya, replacing the leg of Vishpla with an iron leg, etc. Similar mention of Ayurvedic subjects is also found in Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda. Various organs and methods of body research and therapy are abundantly described in the Atharvaveda. That is why Ayurveda is considered to be aUpaveda (sub-veda) of Atharvaveda. After the Yedas, they are also developed and elaborated in the Brahmin and Upanishad texts respectively.

When diseases started blighting life, creating impediments in penance, abstinence, study, celibacy, religious observance and life span of mankind, the holy sages, out of their compassion for creatures, assembled at an auspicious place near the Himalayas. Hence, Ayurveda is a holy science, created for the wellness of human beings. 

Ayurveda explains how to live a healthy life and cure of diseases. Those things are explained in Sutra’s. Which are explained by different Acharya’s. Acharya collect’s the all sutra and arrange them in porper sequence to understande. Those collected Sutra’s in a single book called as “Samhita”. Samhita means the authentic data or text arranged in a particular manner on a particular subject. The complete subject with their included topic makes the complete Samhita. 

The main Samhita’s are Charaka, Sushrut and Vaghbhata, which also called as Brihat trayi. In which Charaka Samhita include Kaya-Chikitsa, Sushrut Samhita includes Shalya Chikitsa and Vagbhata includes both Chikitsa. 

History of Ayurveda is in the form of Ayurveda avataran. It means how Ayurveda come to earth from Dev loka. At first, Prajapati received Ayurveda in its entirety as recited by Brahma, from whom the Ashwini kumar, and from Ashwini kumar lord Indra received it fully. That is why Bharadwaja, as requested by the sages, came to Indra. From Bharadwaja, Ayurveda is recived by Punarvasu Atreya. Now, Punarvasu (Lord Atreya), the friend of humanity, out of his benevolence, bestowed the virtuous Ayurveda upon his six disciples. The disciples Agnivesha, Bhela, Jatukarna, Parashara, Harita and Ksharapani received the word of instruction from the sage Punarvasu. Each of these sages made their own Samhitas.

Ayurveda Avataran

 Agnivesha, Bhela, Jatukarna, Parashara, Harita & Ksharapani

Who should go to the abode of Indra to inquire about correct means of amelioration of disease? On this, volunteered Bharadwaja, “I may be deputed for this work” and so he was deputed by the sages. Having gone to Indra’s abode, he saw Indra- the slayer of Bala (a demon), sitting in the midst of the groups of godly sages and glittering like fire. He approached him with felicitating words of praises and blessings and the intelligent one submitted to him the message of the sages humbly and in the best possible way- “Diseases causing fear in all living beings have appeared so, O Lord of the Gods! Tell me the proper measure for their amelioration!”. Then Lord Indra, having sensed the wide intelligence of the great sage, delivered to him Ayurveda in a few words. 

What is ‘Ayu’ in word Ayurveda according to Charaka?

Charaka’s Define Ayu as the combination of physical body(Sharira), senses(Indriya), mind(Mana) and soul(Aatma). All these four factors makes us alive. Ayurveda is that which deals with good, bad, blissful and sorrowful life, and with what is wholesome and unwholesome for it, longevity, and about what Ayu (life) is in itself. Synonym of Ayu(life) are as follows

  1. dhari-that which sustains
  2. jivita -that which is live 
  3. nityaga -that which is in continuum 
  4. anubandha -that which is interdependent, or a link between past life and the future life

The purpose of Ayurveda

The purpose of Ayurveda explained in Sushruta Samhita are best. It is to improve or maintain the health of normal healthy person and to protect the patient from disease. 

  The purpose of Ayurveda as explained in Charak Samhita is to achieve the purpose of life, that is

1. Dharma – following the path of righteousness

2. Artha earning money in a legal way

3. Kama – fulfilling our desire 

4. Moksha – achieving Salvation,

To achieve this purpose of life, one should concentrate on having a long life. And to learn the science of Ayurveda, which explains how to achieve this purpose, ‘obedience’ (Vidheya) is the most important quality.

The Objective of this Compendium, thus has been described the cause. Now the effect dhatu samya (equilibrium of sustaining and nourishing factors i.e. body constituents) is discussed here because the objective of this compendium is achievement of dhatu samya

Health is the best source for four Objectives of life. And these  four Objectives of Life are virtue, wealth, gratification and emancipation, while diseases are destroyers of these objectives, welfare and life itself. Now this disease has appeared as a great obstacle for human beings and what could be the means for their improvement. Saying this they concentrated on finding the solution. Then in that state of meditation they realized Indra as savior. That the King of the Gods only be able to tell the correct means of improvement of diseases.

Three principles for knowledge of Health and Disease according to Ayurveda

In Charaka Samhita,  Ayurveda provides the knowledge of etiology(Hetu), symptomatology(Lakshan) and therapeutics (Aushada), best ways for both the healthy and the sick this tri-aphorismic(Tri-sutra), continuing for the time immemorial and virtuous knowledge which was known to Brahma first. 

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